Friday, April 5, 2024

হেমন্ত (Hemonto) - Autumn

Hemonto” means autumn in Bengali (my mother tongue and an eastern Indian language). The word implies not just the arrival of winter but also a beautiful season of colors and possibilities. This mixed media piece is an homage to the greatest painter of all, nature.

This piece was inspired by my tenure at the Three Sisters at Katoomba, NSW and Smithfield, QLD, Australia.

I’m posting a large image but kindly refrain from copying 🙏🏼


  1. This is a very insightful piece with detailed cross-brushstrokes. We hope this gains it’s due prominence.

  2. This should definitely be exhibited in the “Fall collection”. Very measured pallet of paints is producing an amazing imagery. As the artist mentioned, this opens up a world of possibilities.

  3. Love this painting, it is autumn indeed!


  4. Je ne sais quoi!

  5. Très intéressante! l'art se fait urbain.


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I regularly donate to charities. You can support Leukemia/ Thalassemia affected children(India), The Smile Train (USA) and other school building efforts by buying a print of any painting showcased in this blog for $100 (not limited to :) I will mail you the tax deductible receipt along with the painting, your donation goes a long way to help a child. You can email me at chirantan[dot]ghosh[at]gmail to arrange payment via Square/PayPal/cheque.

Ardent request as a painter PLEASE don't copy, even though, Picasso said, “Good artists copy; great artists steal,”. If you want to share, kindly send this page URL.