Sunday, March 21, 2021

अहम् (Aham) - Self

Aham self painting

अहम् (Aham) means self in Sanskrit. It is journey to discover oneself, that one is a part of all. This is a mixed media painting 21”x27”, inspired by my travels. Today we are so much focused on the ‘me’ and ‘mine’ that the realization of “self” is almost like a distant dream... we all can rise from our base emotions, look inward, into the miracles of nature, introspect and discover our true self in this infinite universe.

Double click on the image to view a larger version for a detailed view.


  1. Wwoooww....amazing concept and use of colors...mind-blowing

  2. বস্তুকেন্দ্রিক জগত মাঝে সবই আত্মকেন্দ্রিক,
    তোর শিল্পকলা "অহম্" আশা রাখি দেখাবে না সেইদিক।
    নিজেকে জেনে ধরার মাঝে যেজন আপনা বিলায়,
    উপান্তে জেনো বন্ধু সেই "জীবজ্ঞানে শিব"কেই পায়।

  3. Awesome concept and very much true in today's circumstances. Keep up the good work!!!

  4. Thanks for The wonderful art.It's looks nice


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