Monday, April 8, 2013


This is an adaptation of my earlier painting "Biporit"... yeah I love riot of colors!

"The world is not dialectical - it is sworn to extremes, not to equilibrium, sworn to radical antagonism, not to reconciliation or synthesis. This is also the principle of evil."
Jean Baudrillard

Welcome to My Painting Blog

I regularly donate to charities. You can support Leukemia/ Thalassemia affected children(India), The Smile Train (USA) and other school building efforts by buying a print of any painting showcased in this blog for $100 (not limited to :) I will mail you the tax deductible receipt along with the painting, your donation goes a long way to help a child. You can email me at chirantan[dot]ghosh[at]gmail to arrange payment via Square/PayPal/cheque.

Ardent request as a painter PLEASE don't copy, even though, Picasso said, “Good artists copy; great artists steal,”. If you want to share, kindly send this page URL.