Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Paintings to bring smile to a Child's face

Hello Friends and Art Lovers,

Recently, I discovered my art can do a little bit more than become a decorative piece at someone's collection or means of expression for me. I joined the Smile train (World's Leading Cleft Surgery Charity for Children) and they have graciously accepted my humble collection of paintings for sale/auction - proceeds will go to the children who deserve to smile.

I wish, I could appeal to Mr. Gates for some help but I am a limited man with little means! So I turn to my friends and MNCs with CSR programs - MAYBE YOU CAN HELP?

My paintings are not the reason but the excuse to help the deserving. Those of you who know me, by now know I always participate in small ways to help so please drop me a line and I'll put you in touch with Smile Train directly (that way you know I'm not stealing your gift to the children). We are what we make ourselves to be by our actions...or so I believe!

Monday, July 21, 2008

উপত্যাকা (Upottaka): Valley

Panel painting - changes color and shows a different angle with change of light.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

বিপরীত (Biporit): Opposite

Life is an intimate mix of opposites and complementary colors. Oil, Acrylic, Lusture paint on Wood - 1' x 3'

Thursday, May 1, 2008

ত্রিলয় (Triloy): TrioApocalypse

Indian mythologies talks about Apocalypse brought by Bramha, Vishnu and Maheshwar - all that was pure from origin and all that of sin mix together, to from the whole element of God/Bhomho.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

যুগল (Jugol): Couple

What is more interesting than the journey of two souls uniting?
~ To my precious ones, who chose to overlook all my flaws.
Oil, Acrylic, Lusture paint on Wood - 3' x 4'

Saturday, March 29, 2008

কলিকা (Kolika)

The word কলিকা (Kolika) means a ‘bud’ i.e. the promise of the flower to come. I was born in Kolkata(Calcutta). This picture brings in the symbols of myths of Manasha (the female serpent deity), embracing the culture of Tagore, the church cathedral backyard near which I loose myself often to the bitter sorrow melancholy separation pang of my childhood and the icon of the city… the old Howrah bridge. This is 24” x 36” mixed media painting involving - gouache, acrylic, holi colors, oil, threads, gauze and glass.

Unfortunately, a Soho gallery chipped off a corner of the glass in 2011 so this piece doesn’t travel to exhibitions anymore.

Monday, March 3, 2008

রোমন্থন প্রতিবিম্ব (Romonthon Protibimbo): Reflection

At one point, man is beyond suffering - tested by surrounding and fate - at that moment, one awaits the inevitable truth reflecting upon the Life past.

This is dedicated to the forgotten holocaust of India - a year long famine artificially created by World War Hero, Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, killing more than THREE MILLIONS in 1943. 

Friday, February 29, 2008

সুর্য সলিল (Shurjo Sholil): Sun Under Water

Abstract paintings can be best seen when one squints their eyes...
~ To my sweet lil sis, for all the fights and giggles (who likes to call this painting "Winter Sun")
Oil and Acrylic paint on Wood - 1' x 2'

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Welcome to My Painting Blog

I regularly donate to charities. You can support Leukemia/ Thalassemia affected children(India), The Smile Train (USA) and other school building efforts by buying a print of any painting showcased in this blog for $100 (not limited to :) I will mail you the tax deductible receipt along with the painting, your donation goes a long way to help a child. You can email me at chirantan[dot]ghosh[at]gmail to arrange payment via Square/PayPal/cheque.

Ardent request as a painter PLEASE don't copy, even though, Picasso said, “Good artists copy; great artists steal,”. If you want to share, kindly send this page URL.