Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Monday, April 16, 2007

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Lal Nouko - The Red Boat

Though the boat isn't painted red, it draws the 'Sindoor' red from the sky in its dark wood tint. Saw an amazing sunset at Pune, which inspired this.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

পাল তোলা (Pal Tola): Sails drawn

পাল তোলা literally means the canvas sails are drawn. However, when rushing to one's home...each extra moment is a loss. The original was lost to a storage unit fire in Bronx, NYC so I decided to replace it with this 8” x 10” mixed media experiment.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

বেগুনী অম্বর (Beguni Ombor): Purple Sky

বেগুনী means purple and অম্বর translates to sky. However, for me, this is the anticipation of the sailor on the dingi boat... what does it say to you? The original paining was in acrylic but lost in storage fire in Bronx, New York. This replacement is a 8” x 10” mixed medium treatment that reflects my current style.

Monday, January 1, 2007

New York Based Indian artist's paintings for sale.

Each and every oil painting is professionally hand-painted by the artist. All paintings are painted from scratch using premium quality oil and canvas/wood panel.

We are also committed to bring you the best quality possible in oil paintings art reproductions in commercial prints for a lesser price than the original. Every painting is carefully digitally reproduced from the very first brush stroke to the final touches. A print can never take place of an original artwork but is affordable for commercial and home decor.

Welcome to My Painting Blog

I regularly donate to charities. You can support Leukemia/ Thalassemia affected children(India), The Smile Train (USA) and other school building efforts by buying a print of any painting showcased in this blog for $100 (not limited to :) I will mail you the tax deductible receipt along with the painting, your donation goes a long way to help a child. You can email me at chirantan[dot]ghosh[at]gmail to arrange payment via Square/PayPal/cheque.

Ardent request as a painter PLEASE don't copy, even though, Picasso said, “Good artists copy; great artists steal,”. If you want to share, kindly send this page URL.